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三天 - ミティン -

HIRO OKAMOTO 第10回目の展示は初の写真作家の個展となります。 山﨑 萌子が紡ぐ作品は、写真表現だけにとどまらず、私たちの魂を瞬時にその土地に誘ってくれるような。そんな不思議な感覚があります。 写真では伝わりきらない作品を、どうぞ体感しにいらしてください。

三天  - ミティン -
三天  - ミティン -


2023年6月24日 11:00 – 2023年7月09日 19:00

HIRO OKAMOTO, 日本、〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前3丁目32-2 K's Apartment 103







三天 Mi-tin is a word used to pray in Okinawa. It also means to describe a circularity of things. Mitin comprises of two characters, 三”three” and 天”god";  Utin “Heaven”, Jīchi “Earth”  and Ryūgu "Sea". Rain falls from the sky to the land, makes a stream to the sea and eventually evaporates back to the sky. The people of the island appreciate gods that dwell in Miting for the blessing of nature.

The islands in Okinawa are in such circumstances and its balance is gradually falling apart. 

From autumn 2022 things have been changing rapidly likewise in Yonaguni Island, where I currently set my based for my artwork production. The deployment of a new missile unit covering 18 hectares, the bay project to excavate the high biodiversity importance, combat vehicles driving on public roads and children conducting missile evacuation drills. The balance of the island, which nature should prevail, is certainly collapsing.

Is praying to the gods of Mitin the only way to protect the island as it should be? Right at this moment, I make paper from the blessing of nature and take another look at all the living things through the finder. Sending the awing beauty of Yonaguni on paper to Tokyo, 2023 kilometers far away.

ー 個展詳細 ー



会期:2023.06.24(土) - 07.09(日)

開廊時間:11:00 - 19:00 


場所:東京都渋谷区神宮前3-32-2 K’s Apartment 103



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